Relative Importance of H2 and H2S as Energy Sources for Primary Production in Geothermal Springs
Seth D’Imperio, Corinne R. Lehr, Harry Oduro, Greg Druschel, Michael Kuhl, and Timothy R. McDermott
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2008
Geothermal waters contain numerous potential electron donors capable of supporting chemolithotrophybased
primary production. Thermodynamic predictions of energy yields for specific electron donor and
acceptor pairs in such systems are available, although direct assessments of these predictions are rare. This
study assessed the relative importance of dissolved H2 and H2S as energy sources for the support of chemolithotrophic
metabolism in an acidic geothermal spring in Yellowstone National Park. H2S and H2 concentration
gradients were observed in the outflow channel, and vertical H2S and O2 gradients were evident within
the microbial mat. H2S levels and microbial consumption rates were approximately three orders of magnitude
greater than those of H2. Hydrogenobaculum-like organisms dominated the bacterial component of the microbial
community, and isolates representing three distinct 16S rRNA gene phylotypes (phylotype = 100%
identity) were isolated and characterized. Within a phylotype, O2 requirements varied, as did energy source
utilization: some isolates could grow only with H2S, some only with H2, while others could utilize either as an
energy source. These metabolic phenotypes were consistent with in situ geochemical conditions measured using
aqueous chemical analysis and in-field measurements made by using gas chromatography and microelectrodes.
Pure-culture experiments with an isolate that could utilize H2S and H2 and that represented the dominant
phylotype (70% of the PCR clones) showed that H2S and H2 were used simultaneously, without evidence of
induction or catabolite repression, and at relative rate differences comparable to those measured in ex situ field
assays. Under in situ-relevant concentrations, growth of this isolate with H2S was better than that with H2. The
major conclusions drawn from this study are that phylogeny may not necessarily be reliable for predicting
physiology and that H2S can dominate over H2 as an energy source in terms of availability, apparent in situ
consumption rates, and growth-supporting energy.
NOTE: the article text supplied here is for educational purposes only.
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