Welcome to the new Yellowstone Research Coordination Network Site
As can be seen we have made big changes to the site. Browsing the feature database is now done via the Google map on the Home page. Mousing over a region
marker (
or clicking on a region name in the results tab displays an information window with details about the region. Clicking on a region marker zooms and
centers the map on the region just clicked on, displaying sub regions or features at the same time. As the zoom level increases more features are shown, when
many features are located close to each other, the features are grouped together in a cluster (
). Mousing over a cluster will provide information about that
cluster. Clicking on a cluster causes the map to zoom and display the features in that cluster.
Mousing over a feature marker will cause its name to be displayed. Clicking on a feature marker (
causes an information window with details on the feature
to be displayed, clicking on the feature name or the "Details" link will cause a page containing futher information about the feature to be displayed.
Features matching varied criteria can also be searched for from the Home page. Clicking on the Basic or Advanced tab brings up search controls. The basic
page allows a search for a feature by name or a search for groups of features via keyword to be performed. There is a Geographic area dropdown which allows results to be limited
to features found in a certain region of the park. On the Advanced search tab additional abilities are added, such as the search by location or geochemical
criteria. In either case search results are shown in the results tab. Clicking on a name will show an information window detailing data about the feature. The map
can be reset to its original state by clicking on the reset map button at the bottom of the sidebar.
Accessing Other Areas of the RCN
Other areas of the RCN can be accessed via the menu at the top of the page. Clicking on the Features item will display a search page with search criteria
similar to those of the advanced search tab. Clicking on the search button will return a list of features found. Clicking on a feature name will display
a detail page for that feature. Search results can be downloaded to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for further data analysis. All descriptive
and geochemical data for the features listed in the search results are downloaded. You can download data for an individual feature by clicking on the
"Download all data for this feature" link on the feature detail page.
Many other items on the menu have similar search features, in particular the Organisms, Participants and Publications items all support similar
functionality. We also feature an advanced search page which allows searching all areas, or any particular area, of the website. The
advanced search page also searches all of the files in our publications database, allowing easy access to the information in those papers.
Other Resources
Under the Resources item we have some additional information that visitors might find interesting or useful. Pages here include a map of recent earthquakes,
current weather information and five day forecasts for the region around the park, park webcams and predicted geyser eruption times. In addition
the Lat/Lon to UTM (and vice versa) converter can be found here.
We hope you enjoy this site, questions and suggestions are always welcome, just contact us.