Comparative genomics provides evidence for the 3-hydroxypropionate autotrophic pathway in filamentous anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria and in hot spring microbial mats
Christian G. Klatt, Donald A. Bryant and David M. Ward
Environmental Microbiology, 2007
Stable carbon isotope signatures of diagnostic lipid
biomarkers have suggested that Roseiflexus spp., the
dominant filamentous anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria
inhabiting microbial mats of alkaline siliceous
hot springs, may be capable of fixing bicarbonate via
the 3-hydroxypropionate pathway, which has been
characterized in their distant relative, Chloroflexus
aurantiacus. The genomes of three filamentous
anoxygenic phototrophic Chloroflexi isolates
(Roseiflexus sp. RS-1, Roseiflexus castenholzii and
Chloroflexus aggregans), but not that of a nonphotosynthetic
Chloroflexi isolate (Herpetosiphon
aurantiacus), were found to contain open reading
frames that show a high degree of sequence similarity
to genes encoding enzymes in the C. aurantiacus
pathway. Metagenomic DNA sequences from the
microbial mats of alkaline siliceous hot springs also
contain homologues of these genes that are highly
similar to genes in both Roseiflexus spp. and Chloroflexus
spp. Thus, Roseiflexus spp. appear to have
the genetic capacity for carbon dioxide reduction via
the 3-hydroxypropionate pathway. This may contribute
to heavier carbon isotopic signatures of the cell
components of native Roseiflexus populations in
mats compared with the signatures of cyanobacterial
cell components, as a similar isotopic signature
would be expected if Roseiflexus spp. were participating
in photoheterotrophic uptake of cyanobacterial
photosynthate produced by the reductive pentose
phosphate cycle.
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