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Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2003      Linkage of High Rates of Sulfate Reduction in Yellowstone Hot Springs to Unique Sequence Types in the Dissimilatory Sulfate Respiration Pathway
Susan Fishbain, Jesse G. Dillon, Heidi L. Gough, and David A. Stahl
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2003

Diversity, habitat range, and activities of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes within hot springs in Yellowstone National Park were characterized using endogenous activity measurements, molecular characterization, and enrichment. Five major phylogenetic groups were identified using PCR amplification of the dissimilatory sulfite reductase genes (dsrAB) from springs demonstrating significant sulfate reduction rates, including a warm, acidic (pH 2.5) stream and several nearly neutral hot springs with temperatures reaching 89°C. Three of these sequence groups were unrelated to named lineages, suggesting that the diversity and habitat range of sulfate-reducing prokaryotes exceeds that now represented in culture.

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