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Geological Magazine, 2007      A new Middle-Late Jurassic flora and hot spring chert deposit from the Deseado Massif, Santa Cruz province, Argentina
Geological Magazine, 2007

We present an initial report of a well-preserved and relatively diverse Gondwanan plant assemblage from Bahia Laura Group, Chon Aike Formation strata of the Estancia Flecha Negra area, central-western region of the Deseado Massif, Santa Cruz province, Patagonia, Argentina. The locality contains the first richly fossiliferous chert with a diverse and well-preserved plant assemblage reported from the Mesozoic which is demonstrably associated with hot spring activity. A compression flora and petrified forest contained in associated clastic and volcaniclastic environments provide an indication of regional plant diversity during this as yet poorly represented stratigraphic interval. Keywords: silicification, sinter, epithermal, permineralized, permineralised, petrified.

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