Compound-Specific Isotopic Fractionation Patterns Suggest Different Carbon Metabolisms among Chloroflexus-Like Bacteria in Hot-Spring Microbial Mats
Marcel T. J. van der Meer, Stefan Schouten, Jaap S. Sinninghe DamsteĀ“, Jan W. de Leeuw, and David M. Ward
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2003
Stable carbon isotope fractionations between dissolved inorganic carbon and lipid biomarkers suggest
photoautotrophy by Chloroflexus-like organisms in sulfidic and nonsulfidic Yellowstone hot springs. Where
co-occurring, cyanobacteria appear to cross-feed Chloroflexus-like organisms supporting photoheterotrophy as
well, although the relatively small 13C fractionation associated with cyanobacterial sugar biosynthesis may
sometimes obscure this process.
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