William P. Inskeep and Timothy R. McDermott
Geothermal Biology and Geochemistry in YNP [TBI Text!], 2005
Acid-sulfate-chloride (ASC) springs (pH~3, 65-85°C) in Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park, contain a suite of
reduced chemical species that may serve as energy sources for thermophilic chemotrophic microorganisms. The predominant
dissolved ions of ASC springs include Na+ (13-16 mM), Cl- (13-16 mM), SO42- (~1.4 mM), and H+ (~1 mM), as well as
significant concentrations of FeII, AsIII, H2S(aq), CH4(aq), CO2(aq) and H2(aq). Aqueous chemistry, solid phase geochemistry,
and temperature co-vary in the outflow channels of ASC springs and together act to establish niche opportunities for suitably
adapted microorganisms. The primary objectives of our work on ASC springs are to describe and discover the adapted
microorganisms that inhabit these springs, determine their metabolic strategies, and identify linkages between microbial
population distribution and in situ geochemical processes. Our approach has combined thorough geochemical analysis of
aqueous and solid phases with molecular investigations initially targeting the 16S rRNA gene. This chapter provides a review
of the predominant geochemical zones of ASC springs including H2S(aq) degassing and elemental S deposition immediately
downstream of spring discharge, followed by oxidation of AsIII and FeII to form Asv-rich, hydrous ferric oxide (HFO) microbial
mats. The distribution of 16S rRNA sequences throughout the outflow channels of ASC springs reveals the potential importance
of H2, H2S, So, As, and Fe-transforming microorganisms that are related to members of the genera Stygiolobus, Caldococcus,
Hydrogenobaculum, Metallosphaera, Thiomonas, Acidimicrobium, and Meiothermus, as well as several novel uncultivated bacterial
and archaeal clones detected in other thermal habitats. Results to date support the hypothesis that phylogenetic and functional
diversity in these geothermal systems is defined by geochemical and temperature regimes throughout the outflow channels.
NOTE: the article text supplied here is for educational purposes only.
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