Algal Species and Light Microenvironment in a Low-pH, Geothermal Microbial Mat Community
M. J. Ferris, K. B. Sheehan, M. Kühl, K. Cooksey, B. Wigglesworth-Cooksey, R. Harvey, and J. M. Henson
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2005
Unicellular algae are the predominant microbial mat-forming phototrophs in the extreme environments of
acidic geothermal springs. The ecology of these algae is not well known because concepts of species composition
are inferred from cultivated isolates and microscopic observations, methods known to provide incomplete and
inaccurate assessments of species in situ. We used sequence analysis of 18S rRNA genes PCR amplified from
mat samples from different seasons and different temperatures along a thermal gradient to identify algae in an
often-studied acidic (pH 2.7) geothermal creek in Yellowstone National Park. Fiber-optic microprobes were
used to show that light for algal photosynthesis is attenuated to <1% over the 1-mm surface interval of the mat.
Three algal sequences were detected, and each was present year-round. A Cyanidioschyzon merolae sequence was
predominant at temperatures of ≥49°C. A Chlorella protothecoides var. acidicola sequence and a Paradoxia
multisita-like sequence were predominant at temperatures of ≤39°C.
NOTE: the article text supplied here is for educational purposes only.
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