Inventory ID



Latitude: 44.7275
Longitude: -110.7148
Survey Date: June 21, 2002

Sample Information

Submitted By: Nordstrom, D. Kirk
Sample Code: 99WA143
Sample Site Description: No site description is associated with this sample
Sample Date: September 23, 1999
Publication: Water-Chemistry Data for Selected Springs, Geysers, and Streams in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, 1999-2000

Sample Data

Unless otherwise specified all measurements are in mg/L. A 0 or a negative number most likely reflects an unreported value.

pH Temp (°C) Vent Temp (°C) Sp. Cond. (µS/cm). Mg Na K NH4 Al Fe(II) Fe(III) FeT
3.910 73.800 1790.000 0.208 330.000 49.100 0.653 1.930 2.109
As(III) As(V) AsT Sb(III) SbT Cl- F- Br- NO4 NO2 SO4 B
0.197 1.618 0.110 540.000 4.424 1.729 -999.400 79.384 8.230
Li Sr Ba Mn Zn Pb Be V Cr Co Ni Cu
3.560 0.016 0.103 0.051 0.034 0.003 0.002 -999.010 0.002 -999.001 -999.001 -999.001
Cd Se Mo Hg (ng/L) Ca DO H2S P H2 CO2 S2O3 SiO2
0.000 -999.050 4.520 440.000
DOC 2H (per mil) δ18O (per mil) Density (g/mL 20°C) I (M) Eh (V) Free H+ Acidity (mM) AcidityT (mM) Alkalinity (HCO3) Sum Cations (meq/L) Sum Anions (meq/L) +/- Imbalance (%)
16.736 16.919 -1.089