Ojo Caliente

Inventory ID



Latitude: 44.56298
Longitude: -110.8388
Survey Date: July 21, 1999

Sample Information

Submitted By: Data Supplied by USGS
Sample Code: 05WA110
Sample Site Description: No site description is associated with this sample
Sample Date: June 3, 2005
Publication: No publication associated with this sample

Sample Data

Unless otherwise specified all measurements are in mg/L. A 0 or a negative number most likely reflects an unreported value.

pH Temp (°C) Vent Temp (°C) Sp. Cond. (µS/cm). Mg Na K NH4 Al Fe(II) Fe(III) FeT
8.250 63.200 1610.000 -999.001 330.000 9.990 -999.050 0.265 0.002 0.004
As(III) As(V) AsT Sb(III) SbT Cl- F- Br- NO4 NO2 SO4 B
0.779 1.380 0.048 0.069 322.400 33.300 1.100 0.031 0.015 25.045 4.440
Li Sr Ba Mn Zn Pb Be V Cr Co Ni Cu
4.320 0.006 -999.001 -999.001 0.002 0.009 -999.001 -999.005 -999.001 -999.001 -999.001 -999.001
Cd Se Mo Hg (ng/L) Ca DO H2S P H2 CO2 S2O3 SiO2
0.000 -999.001 0.040 21.000 0.860 2.250 0.020 0.551 254.000
DOC 2H (per mil) δ18O (per mil) Density (g/mL 20°C) I (M) Eh (V) Free H+ Acidity (mM) AcidityT (mM) Alkalinity (HCO3) Sum Cations (meq/L) Sum Anions (meq/L) +/- Imbalance (%)
2.100 -139.000 -15.960 0.999 0.156 242.400 15.200 15.300 -0.500